Being a customer leader means seeing the world through the customer's eyes, making decisions that enhance their experience, and never forgetting that it is the customers who pay our salaries.
Define the customer experience you want to deliver and establish common goals.
Vi anlitade Helén som talare på vår konferens och hon levererade skarpa insikter kring kundledarskap och hur kundupplevelsen sträcker sig över hela kundresan, där hon drog stor nytta av sina egna erfarenheter och djupgående kunskap inom CX-området.
"We chose to hire Helen to kickstart the process of developing common goals with the customer at the center. She successfully conveyed, in a straightforward manner, how a customer-oriented organization impacts both values and work methods. She also provided us with several practical tips on how we can move forward."
"Helen combines skill and empathy in a way that truly creates positive change and success. This, along with her deep knowledge in CX, which she has generously shared with the group."
"I am impressed and extremely satisfied with the work Helen has done for us and the unemployment funds, and I wouldn't hesitate to hire her again if a suitable project comes up."
”Med djup erfarenhet och mycket energi så kom hon in och började leverera från dag ett på alla parametrar. Vi insåg snabbt att Helen skulle ha full mandat vilket innebar att förändringarna kom fort och gav verkligen resultat.”
Instead of solely focusing on internal processes, profitability, and efficiency, a customer leader always puts the customer at the center of strategic decisions. Every decision within the organization is evaluated based on how it will impact the customer experience.
Motivate your leadership and employees to walk in the customer's shoes.
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